A dental implant can be a fantastic solution for patients who need restorative work to have a fantastic smile and healthy mouth. Because they function almost exactly like your natural teeth, they can become prone to infections. Just like the rest of your mouth, your dental implants can fall out or become diseased if the proper care isn’t taken with them.
Signs of a Dental Implant Infection
The signs of a dental implant infection are similar to those that you might experience when there is an infection in another part of your body — especially your mouth. If you notice that your gums around the dental implant are red, sore and/or puffy, it’s a sign that it could be infected. Other things to watch out for include bad breath, an unpleasant taste and bleeding around the implant while brushing.
If you have throbbing discomfort and/or pain where your implant is or a dull ache when you touch the implant, it is probably infected. A wobbly or loose implant, difficulty chewing, fever, pus from the area surrounding the implant and visible threads on the implant are all worrisome signs of infection. They require that you get dental care immediately.
Causes of Dental Implant Infection
Many causes can lead to dental implant infection. The important thing to remember is that having proactive and regular dental care can help prevent oral infections of all kinds including those of dental implants. It’s important that you keep your regularly scheduled dental checkups so that any signs of infection can be addressed right away.
While poor oral hygiene can lead to dental implant infection, sometimes it’s a matter of a dental routine that simply doesn’t address the needs of the implant. Using tobacco can also lead to oral infections, including dental implants. You might also have an allergic reaction to the implant. Even your body was fine with the dental implant; it could still become allergic to it at some point in time and lead to an infection.
Chronic health conditions like diabetes, as well as a compromised immune system, can lead to infections in the body that might develop at the site of your dental implant. If your bite becomes misaligned, perhaps due to the loss of other teeth, illness or injury, it could lead to conditions that encourage the growth of bacteria and result in an infection. Grinding and/or clenching your teeth could also lead to an infection at the site of your dental implant.
With a dental implant, it is vital that you receive professional dental care on a regular basis. Not only does doing so ensure that your teeth stay white and clean, but it can also alert you to any issues that you might not be aware of. Proactive dental care can help you enjoy your dental implant for years to come. Contact us at Greater Baltimore Prosthodontics for a convenient appointment to talk about your dental implant options.