Men Are More Reactive Than Proactive Regarding Oral Health

man brushing teeth

It may be difficult to believe, but studies show that men tend to neglect their oral health more than women do. Men are more reactive than proactive when it comes to taking care of their teeth and gums, and this can lead to easily-preventable dental issues. Compared to women, men floss less, don’t brush as regularly and visit the dentist less often and the results can be devastating to maintaining a healthy smile. Fortunately, it’s never too late to start taking care of oral health and men have many ways of becoming proactive to protect their smiles.

Don’t brush right after breakfast

When men do brush, they might not be doing it at the right time. A majority of men brush their teeth right after eating breakfast, and this is unwise because common breakfast foods such as fruit juice, oranges, berries, and grapefruit have a high acidic value, which weakens tooth enamel. Brushing the teeth when the enamel is weakened can damage and remove enamel, and this leaves teeth susceptible to decay. Waiting 15-30 minutes after eating breakfast or other meal with high acidic content helps teeth maintain enamel.

Floss regularly

Although men may make their overall physical appearance a priority, they often neglect the physical appearance of their teeth. However, keeping teeth and gums looking good with regularly brushing and flossing correlates to keeping them healthy. It’s common knowledge that most people don’t enjoy flossing and don’t do it often enough, but taking the time to floss at least once a day is essential to prevent the buildup of plaque that can lead to decay, cavities, and gum infections.

Break bad habits

Men are more likely to chew or smoke tobacco products than women, and this increases their risk of periodontal disease and other oral health issues. Men who use steroids are also at a higher risk for dental issues. Combine such bad habits and practices with the male tendency to be reactive instead of proactive and it raises the incidence of men suffering from gum disease and cavities. Without prompt treatment, gum disease can progress to severe stages and lead to tooth loss, and this should concern any man with the slightest regard for their smile and oral health.

Schedule an exam and cleaning

With their reactive approach to oral health, men tend to procrastinate when it comes to schedule routine dental appointments, and this is detrimental because regular exams and professional cleanings are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. By making their dental care a priority, men can avoid gum disease, decay, and tooth loss while helping to protect their overall health. Regular dental visits are the best way to prevent, detect and treat oral health issues before they become severe.

For all the men out there who believe that they don’t need to visit the dentist until there’s a problem, it’s time to correct your thinking and take control of your oral health! Contact Greater Baltimore Prosthodontics today to learn more about protecting or restoring a healthy, handsome smile.